I’m driving home
It’s evening
The sky is orange and quiet
I pass over the lagoon
The coots are snickering amongst themselves
It’s cold
I want to get in the water
Chase them like I did as a kid
My father once told me
If I pour salt on a Guineafowls’ tail
It will become immobilised
Then I can pick it up and pat it
Many family holidays were spent with a salt shaker in hand
Running after confused birds in the Drakensberg mountains of KwaZulu-Natal
Meaning “Sky / heaven”
I ran in heaven
With a salt shaker…
My phone rings
Breaking me out of one of my many day dreams
I see the caller
My agent
My heart flutters
I know what this is about
I take a breath
Press the button and say
“Hi Nixxxie”
(Her name has recently changed from “Nixxx” to “Nixxxie” since becoming a grandmother)
I hear her voice for the first time this week
Oh god
There it is
Her tone
I know
My body knows immediately
It hasn’t gone my way
I take another breath
Remind my body to give up any tension
Let go buddy
We begin talking about everything other than what is actually happening
The weather
How my fiancé’s bun in the oven is cooking
Do we have everything ready in the nursery
Then it comes
Nixie takes a breath
“Mike, I really thought it was going to be a yes on this one, I’m so sorry, it didn’t go your way”
“I know Nix, I know…”
I reply
She can hear my disappointment
It’s been a while since I really wanted an acting gig
She tries to cheer me up
“I cannot, for the life of me, find fault in your tape
The work is all there, the team loves you
There’s just obviously other factors”
I smile
I appreciate her warm tone and the care she is giving me in this moment
“Thanks Nix”
Then there is silence
We sit in it
She’s good at letting me take my time
I feel the urge to put on a happy tone
Give up buddy
“This one hurts Nixxxie”
She leans in with me
There’s no false happy pep talk
There’s no trying to pretend it doesn’t suck
We let it hurt
Ten minutes later
I say “thank you for listening”
We give our love
And say our goodbyes
And I keep driving
I go quiet
A year of great screen work just vanished in front of me
I feel stupid
I let myself get excited about this one
I shouldn’t have done that!
The shoulds begin
What’s my partner going to think?
Is she going to be upset? Sad for me?
I don’t want to bring her down
What are my parents going to think?
Other people’s voices are coming in hot
The head noise is swirling now
Bring it back to the body
This is where I am at
Accept it mike
I don’t want to accept it
Now I’m getting angry
Fuck them
Their loss
Really protecting myself now
God my body is good at trying to take care of me
But I’m noticing it
I know this place
I entered the professional industry at 16
I have 18 years of experience here
It’s okay buddy
Slow and kind
You know the way
Go be honest
I feel the urge to drive faster
So I deliberately take my foot off the accelerator
I slow down
But its hard
I don’t want to surrender
It’s scary to surrender
I pull up in front of the house
“Always” by Blink182 finishes playing
Life is grey (the opposite of black and white)
I sit in the car
Not sure what to do
I get a text
“Look out the window”
My fiancé is pressed up against the glass of our big lounge room window
I can see my first son or daughter cocooned in her belly
She is so happy to have me home
I want to hide
I don’t want to tell her
I know how she’ll respond
She’ll go slow
She’ll be kind
She’ll hold me
I don’t want her to have to do that
Not again
Not again
I just want to come home with a win
I got it
I got the job
I’m taking you and JT out to dinner tonight
$100 steaks are on me!
JT is code name for Jelly Tot
The nickname of our unborn child
I look at her smiling in the window
She begins wagging
Almost like a husky when it’s beyond excited
Just go be honest
I smile back
Go surrender
I tell myself
She greets me at the door
I wrap her up
“Can we do shnugs?”
I ask
There is no hesitation
Straight to bed we go
We wrap ourselves up together in a big puffy doona
Like two cosie eskimos
All goes still
The house is quiet after a long day
She whispers
“Jt has been kicking sooo much today”
“Has he really”
I say, as I place my hand on him
Or her
(But we are 90% sure it’s a boy)
I feel him
It’s like he has moments where we does somersaults non stop
I’m reminded of the chaos coming
I smile
I breathe in my family
I open my eyes
I look at her
She knows something is up
With trepidation
I say
“I just got the call”
She looks confused for a second
Then immediately realises what I’m referring to
No hesitation
She swallows me up
And holds me
We lie together
In silence
While I breathe
Deep and slow
She asks
“What do you need right now?”
I look at her
And I suddenly feel clear
I use to fight these moments
Try show the world that I’m okay
Try show the industry that I’m not upset
That I’m a good actor who keeps going
But after almost 2 decades of practice
I know what’s best for me right now
I smile at her
And step off the ledge
“I just need to let myself be upset
To let it hurt
To know that that’s okay”
Hope this helps
The Actor’s Blueprint Podcast
Private Coaching: