I Had A Dream Last Night
I was in my kitchen
Standing on the ground
I had a horse named Zeus
He was sitting up on the highest shelf
And no matter how much I tried to coax him
He wouldn’t come down
Then I woke up
For the following questions…
I will be answering as a chosen symbol from my dream
Which in this case
Will be the horse
I will choose to interpret this any way I want
I get to decide what this means for me
Here we go…
Question One: Who are you?
I am the horse named Zeus
Question Two: Describe yourself?
I am golden
I am regal
I am stubborn
Question Three: What is your purpose?
I am here to transport people from one side to another
To transition people through change
Question Four: How are you here to help Michael?
Look at me
Up here
Sitting proudly
I’m above all others
And guess what
I’m sitting on a shelf in a kitchen
Not getting anything done
Not contributing anything worthwhile to this world
Not collaborating with others
No matter what you say
No matter how much people to to coax me to come play
I’m stuck here up in my own world thinking how great I am
This is pride
This is hubris
And what have you learned about hubris?
It comes before the fall
Be on the ground
Put your feet in the soil
Stand on the earth
Look around you
At the wonderful people around you to connect with
Go play
Be open
Be grounded
Be humble
Rather then sitting proudly on a kitchen shelf and slowly turning stale
Sending hugs
x Sheasby
Podcast: The Actor’s Blueprint
Latest Episode
#21. Build An Actor
Found on both Apple & Spotify
x Sheasby