Better Question



Better Question

Why can’t I get acting work?

Why won’t they cast me?

Why don’t they want me?

Let’s ask a better question

How do I build myself into the most desirable actor possible?



What do I think makes a desirable actor?

Someone who…

Gives generous, meaningful work 

Takes care of the story 

Puts the work before their ego

Is competent 

Knows their lines

Has done their prep

Practices their craft

Continues to learn and grow

Actually enjoys what they do



Is willing to look like a fool

Is kind

Is supportive

Is grateful 

Is honest, even when uncomfortable 

Says “hello” with love

Treats others with compassion and respect

Takes care of their timezone 

Slows down in order to go further 

Turns it on when they need to

Turns it off when they need to

Breathes and smiles under pressure

Is able to find comfort in the chaos

Allows space for silence

Works to maintain healthy relationships 

Is able to find balance

Obeys nature

Follows their curiosity 

Listens to their body 

Let’s their body lead

Takes responsibility

Is willing to make short term sacrifices for long term gains

Is willing to say “yes”

Is willing to say “no”

Is willing to say “maybe”

Is kind to themselves 

Accepts they made a mistake and moves forward

Owns what they really want

Is willing to have the difficult conversations 

Bends rather than breaks

Rocks up on time

And says “thank you” with love

Build this…

Build this and the work will come

Hope this helps





