Balancing Chaos & Order
08:00ish: Start Again
Wake up
Write down dream/s & dream symbol exercise
Brainstorm on MIQ (Most Important Question I wrote down the night before. This mornings’ was “what makes me feel most free?”)
Rockpool swim (Cold shower if tide is too crazy - Mother Nature occasionally says “please respect me & give me space today, Michael”)
Breathing - 1x round of Wim Hoff to help shift my physiology & focus on what’s actually important to me
Journal - Clarify Purpose, 3x thankful for, 3x opportunities for, 3x most important tasks for the day
09:30ish: Conscious Content
Walk out the door & travel to work
I use this time to listen to an audiobook or podcast that helps me progress in a desired direction
10:30ish: Deep Work #1
Practice, Writing, Coaching or Meeting
This might be at the library, outside on the headland, a cafe, a colleagues’ studio, or a friend’s office space
13:00ish: Nutrition & Rest
Eat good food
Maybe 15min siesta
14:30ish: Deep Work #2
Practice, Writing, Coaching or Meeting
16:30ish: Admin
Emails, calls, tick boxes, errands, etc etc
Turn my computer off as I say out loud “And now, I walk away”
17:30ish: Sweat
Exercise until I at least sweat
Jiu Jitsu, Strength, Pads, Sprints or Cardio
19:00ish: Nutrition & Connection
Eat good food
Connect with people I love
Maybe watch an episode of Futurama or Youtube clip on something random
Right now I love watching documentaries on Koi fish farms in Japan
20:30ish: Deep Work #3
Practice, Writing, Coaching or Meeting
22:00ish: Progressive Thought
Three questions
One - Best thing about my day?
Two - What am I ready for tomorrow?
Three - What is my MIQ? My most important question to start tomorrow pondering
Phone left charging in the cupboard as I say out loud “And now, I walk away”
23:00ish: Sleep
Free health care
Connection - Hang out with people I love and feel energised by
Adventures - Yesterday was standing literally behind a gigantic waterfall in the Blue Mountains with a dear friend. Then we went yabbie hunting. I’m 32 years old & I painted my face with mud.
The point of a schedule is not to build a prison or to feel trapped
Aim to find your own healthy, meaningful and energising balance between chaos and order
Enough structure to help yourself progress toward meaningful goals
Enough freedom to help yourself be agile with life
If I’m feeling overwhelmed, I scratch things out, and do less than I think I can handle
And then I start again the next day
Hope this helps
If you enjoyed this article, please share :)
Question I’m Considering
What, Where & Who makes me feel most free?
The Actor’s Blueprint Podcast
New Episode
#16. Places You’ll Go
This one is a bit different
It’s a story I use to read to Sam when he was in hospital in a coma after eating a slug
Hope you enjoy
Found on both Apple & Spotify
x Sheasby