4 Pillars
What is actually necessary to be great at in order to contribute more as a modern day screen actor?
One: Surrender
You are the most valuable currency you have in this industry
NOT who you think you should be
We want you, the real you, warts and all
The work is moving away from those who can “act well”
And moving toward those who are technically able to give themselves permission to be where they actually are
So, practice giving up
Practice giving yourself permission to be where you actually are
It ain’t good, bad, right or wrong
Two: Serve
If the team is spending $300k over the next 3 hours to get this one scene completed
It will be bloody helpful if you have a strong understanding of why
Cut to the chase
What is the point of this scene?
What is the function of your character in this scene / story?
If you are clear about why the team is going to all the effort to film this next scene
Then you will be clear about where to invest your time and energy
And thus, give where and when required
Rather then investing precious resources into unnecessary places
Producers and directors love generous actors
So be more generous
Be clear about what’s worth caring about
And serve
Three: Connect
Homo sapiens, as a single entity, are weak and feeble creatures
They rose up the food chain because of one crucial factor
Our ability to connect, allowed us to work together
Increasing our ability to provide, protect & procreate
It is deeply embedded in our DNA
But as actors
Often times we are being asked to contribute a strong relationship in a matter of seconds
I remember rocking up for my first day on Home & Away and having to shoot the romance scene first thing
For the story to work, Ruby & Steve had to give in to their weeks-long desire
I literally said “hello” to the actress with an awkward laugh
And someone yelled “action”…
Don’t ask me how the scene went
So the important question becomes:
How does one pretend to have a meaningful relationship when we have only met our fellow actor for 30 seconds?
Find your way
What works for you?
What helps you create a “real” relationship in the least amount of time possible?
Try different acting techniques
Find something that works (and is sustainable!)
And Connect
Four: Focus
Everyone on set has a job
They expect you to do yours
At some point on set or in the casting room
There will be signals to indicate a take is about to happen
Do what you need to do
To get where you need to get
So you can give what you need to give
Focus on the one thing that is going to help carry you best into the conversation that’s about to happen
Try different acting schools of thought
It might be something which provides you with some chaos
Or you might need a little order
Find what works best for you
But when all the smiles, laughter and talking disappear
And there is silence in the room
And everyone is holding their breath and looking at you because they’re waiting for you to do your job…
Do. Your. Job
Then jump in baby :)
Hope this helps
Coaching: www.michaelsheasby.com/coaching
Articles: www.michaelsheasby.com/articles
Email: info@michaelsheasby.com